“Island Girls” follows in the footsteps of such comic adventures as “Jungle Girl” and “Cavewoman“, those comics that bucked the trend and made the female “native” not only beautiful to behold, but gave her intelligence and deadly skills as well. It’s surprising that a comic series like this has yet to be done. Some of the most amazing women of the world are from the Polynesian islands and South Pacific, not just for unique beauty, but for their history and culture filled of wayfarers and warriors. “Island Girls” is meant to highlight these astonishing groups of people and to hopefully bring about a new respect for them as well. Plenty of danger, a little romance, and smart story-telling amidst the natural beauty of the South Pacific islands will hopefully make you a big fan!
Our thanks, first of all, to a very gifted artist, Ralph Raymond Del Mundo, who graced fans first with the runaway comic hit “Rock n Roll Diesel Zombies“. This comic got rave reviews for the arts and story, and we’re very proud to say Ralph’s creations have been seen by movie execs, and he and his creator just got a solid movie deal! WTG, Ralph! Also, we should add that his art has been seen in the TV series “Fargo”!
And of course, you’ll want to meet the writers and creators, we suppose, right? Well, the one maintaining the website and coming up with ideas goes by Paul Driggere, a veteran script-doctor, short story writer, and all-around nice guy here in Ohio. Our co-creator and co-writer goes by P.M. Amaras, and you’d know her if you ever read The Huffington Post, because she used to be a major writer on the squad there. She can boast at least 500 articles for numerous websites, including Medium, Livestrong, Thrive Global, and American Greetings. Believe us, she’s got the writing chops.
And our thanks to you. If you’re reading this right now, obviously something interested you about our work. Whether you’d like to contribute or not, you’re here and that makes us happy. If you don’t wish to donate, we’ve got some great banners below you’re more than happy to copy and place on your own websites, or as Twitter Tweets, Facebook Posts, Instagram teasers, and more!
We included a chess game where you can play against the computer. Because one of our writers is a chess nut, and binged “The Queen’s Gambit” on Netflix one day, so we blame them both entirely for this.